Dr. Shiling Pei received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Colorado State University in December 2007 and joined the faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Colorado School of Mines in Fall 2013. His research focused on traditional and innovative timber systems, multi-hazard mitigation, numerical modeling of structural dynamic behavior, and large-scale dynamic testing. Dr. Pei received the 2012 ASCE Raymond C. Reese Research Prize for his work on seismic performance of mid-rise wood frame building. He was also recognized as one of the 25 NewsMakers of 2023 by the Engineering News Record for his leadership on the NHERI TallWood project, in which a 10-story full-scale wood building was tested, representing the world’s tallest full-scale building ever tested on a shake table. Dr. Pei currently serves as the chair of the ASCE Wood Design Committee. He also serves as Associate Editor for ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering and ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering. He is a registered Professional Engineer (Civil) in the State of California.

Check in, grab your badge, and fuel up with coffee and refreshments. Explore the exhibitor hall, connect with attendees, and get ready for the day’s keynotes.

Check in, grab your badge, and fuel up with coffee and refreshments. Explore the exhibitor hall, connect with attendees, and get ready for the day’s keynotes.